My Fantasy Britain by Bee Ridgway

Bee Ridgway grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts.
She attended Oberlin College (B.A.), then worked for a year as an editorial
assistant at Elle magazine. She studied literature at Cornell University (M.A. and Ph.D.) and has
worked at Bryn Mawr College
since 2001. She lives in Philadelphia,
PA. The River of No Return is Bee's debut novel. It publishes today.

River of No Return

The River of No Return – Bee Ridgway

So yep, I’m an American. In fact, thinking
about being American is how I make my living. 
I’m a professor of American literature, and I spend my days teaching Moby-Dick to young Americans.   But about two years ago I sat down and
started writing The River of No Return
It’s a big, busty time travel novel, a genre mash-up that combines
adventure, romance, spy thriller, mystery. 
It’s set in Vermont, in contemporary London and in Georgian
England.  Its two main characters are
British. I surprised myself: shouldn’t a scholar of American history and
literature write an American novel? 
Instead, a frothy tale of time-traveling Regency aristocrats, beautiful
medieval beet farmers and faceless corporate heavies from an ominous future was
flowing from my fingers.

I had tossed my academic hat aside, my hair
had come tumbling down, and I was tapping into fantasy.  And if there’s anything Americans love to
fantasize about, it’s England
(not Britain – England). Of
course you fantasize about us right back, and always have.  Brits have more to say about Yanks than Yanks
do, and Americans are fiercely protective of an idealized England that no British person
would recognize.  The number of times an
American has yelled at my British partner for not enjoying tea would astonish

This used to tick me off.  I’ve spent years in both countries, I have a
pretty good grasp of the “real” Britain
and the “real” US, and I used to roll my eyes at the notions each nation
harbors about the other. 

But that was a humorless mood.  The fact is, fantasy is pleasurable and
admitting it keeps us honest and makes us more generous, in art and in
life.  The fun house mirror that someone
else holds up teaches you to laugh at yourself. I am now a thoroughgoing fan of
the fictional versions of our two nations that we dream up between us.  And there are always new ones.  Remember that amazing Dr. Who episode where Britain
is zooming through outer space on the back of a white whale?  Remember how I told you that I teach Moby-Dick? Our mutual and often absurd
fascination may not have had particularly savory effects on the world stage,
but the“special relationship” has made for some terrific popular fiction, going
back a long way. 

If I may put my academic chapeau back on
for a moment, and regale you with some literary history?  Some of the most archetypically “English”
writers bounced their portraits of Albion off America.  Arthur Conan Doyle grew up reading American
penny dreadfuls: the first Sherlock Holmes story is largely set in Utah. Agatha Christie’s
father was American. P.G. Wodehouse spent vast portions of his adult life in America.
Frances Hodgson Burnett immigrated to the U.S. when she was sixteen.  Rudyard Kipling married an American and lived
in Vermont
for four years – he adored it and was wildly prolific while there, writing The Jungle Book and reams of poetry.
I’ve chosen the “popular” writers of yesteryear to make this point, because
it’s the “popular” fantasies that we swap back and forth to this day.  The Hollywood
and BBC portraits of one another that we love to hate . . . and hate to love.

So yep. 
I’m an American, and I’ve written a fantastical novel about Britain.
My time-travelly Britain is
also – through a side window and around some corners – a portrait of America.  I wrote the novel because it was incredibly
fun to do so.  I enjoyed myself
thoroughly, wallowing in the alternative versions of reality that I had given
myself permission to explore. I offer it to you with a grain of salt (for
flavor), and I hope that you enjoy it, too.

The River of No Return is out today. For a gentle introduction to the novel, here's Bee talking about it on Penguin YouTube

The Con is on!

survived the madness of the Black Friday sales, the Doctor Who convention
Chicago TARDIS is now in full swing.  But
what, you may well ask yourselves, happens at a Doctor Who convention?

For the
uninitiated, a Doctor Who convention is the mutated offspring of a television
chat show and a fancy dress party with renegade DNA elements of a stag or hen
party. The stars of the show along with us lesser mortals are interviewed on
stage or sit on panels discussing the finer points of writing, or acting, or
the rich history of the TV programme itself. 
One panel even asks is Doctor Who is a religion (well, enquiring minds
want to know)!

A8exl-DCYAAErkB.jpg largeAnd of
course there is the dealers’ room (pictured, right) where every possible
merchandising opportunity has had a Police Box slapped on it – from t-shirts to
teacups and posters to coasters – along with the more usual DVDs, books, comics
and action figures.

The several
hundred fans attending the “con” mingle and chat, queue for autographs, watch
the aforementioned panels and interviews, view their favourite episodes on the
big screen and compete for the most outlandish or intricate costume. I will be
blogging about the costume pageant tomorrow with a few images of this amazing
spectacle, but the most important aspects of these conventions is the
camaraderie, the sincere friendships that people – professionals and fans alike
– make.

These things
are great fun and a wonderful way to meet one’s readers, listeners and viewers.
And, as you’ll see tomorrow, the creativity of the professionals is equaled by
that of the “cosplayers” who go to such extraordinary lengths to make their
costumes the best and most accurate.

There is
such a lovely atmosphere at these US conventions. Everyone is upbeat and out
for a good time. The cliché of the reclusive, awkward Doctor Who fan is blown
away by the gregarious gathering of people here.

Because, in
the end, that’s what we’re really here  for: to meet up with old friends and maybe make
a few new ones along the way. Although, it does helps if you know your Hath
from your Eldrad…

Richard Dinnick


Richard Dinnick is a writer of TV, comics and books who has contributed
to the Doctor Who and Moshi Monsters ranges that Penguin publishes
including: Doctor Who: Alien Adventures, The 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Sticker Book coming next year. You can follow him on Twitter ( or find out more by visiting his website (



Our Man in Gotham

It’s early Friday morning here in New York, and I am nearing the end of my second week of a talent finding mission in the city that never sleeps (which may be a jet-lag issue). I’ve spent the last ten days meeting and greeting some of the many charismatic characters of the US East Coast publishing scene. 
I’m the thrillers guy here at Penguin UK – that is, I am the commissioning editor lucky enough to be let loose to find new action-adventure novels, the next block-busting historical mystery, the next spy intrigue, the next techno-thriller masterpiece and so on… New York is a pretty decent place to be hanging out looking for such things – and frankly, it’s pretty good place to be just hanging out.
Penguin’s Michael Joseph imprint has a rich stable of thriller talent – from the supreme genius of Clive Cussler, to the masterful epics of Tom Clancy, to the doyen of British thriller writing, Dick Francis – we have long striven to publish the best of the best. Meanwhile, we’re always looking to find the next generation of masters of the thriller genre.

Back to New York – it’s been great catching up with the various different agents and publishers, hearing what projects are coming up in the next few months. There’s been plenty of excitement in town this week,due to a few mega deals – the biggest being a multi-million dollar deal for Sara Gruen’s The Ape House (the follow up to Water for Elephants). I haven’t been opening the checkbook in quite such spectacular fashion.
However, I would like to give you a BIG heads up about a superb new thriller from a chap called David Stone – the book is called The Echelon Vendetta and it’s one of the most smart and original new voice novels I’ve ever seen. We’re sharing this one with Penguin US – commissioned by the excellent Putnam editor, Dan Conaway – and I’ll be checking in with more details next time… Many thanks too to everyone at the Penguin US offices – who are making me feel very much at home.

Finally, a quick rough guide to New York slot – check out The Pegu Club – excellent cocktails; Kin Khau, on Spring Street in SoHo – excellent Thai food; and finally, the Hudson hotel bar still rocks  – it’s also where my wife and I first got together a few years back, so a wee bit special.
I’m here until Friday – I’ll check in with the blog when I’m back in

Alex Clarke – Commissioning Editor